Airtrans Center - Phase III
Reconstruction of various pavement areas within Airtrans Center at Portland International Airport. The work includes reconstruction of Taxilane E5 with portland cement concrete pavement; reconstruction of the Gate 1/1-A roadway for Federal Express with portland cement concrete pavement; reconstruction of asphalt pavement in front of Building 5330 (Aeroterm); reconstruction of asphalt pavement adjacent to the Federal Express ramp; and storm drainage improvements"K&E’s product was installed exactly to the plans and specifications and their flexibility in executing the overall project schedule was outstanding. This project required significant coordination with the electrical and H-pile installation contractors, K&E’s support in this area contributed heavily to the success of the project."
- James W. Stone
Stantec Consulting Services
Scarborough, ME
(Project refers to two solar powered generation facilities in Amity, Oregon.)