OR22 Bridge Vertical Clearance Projects

Work on the FFO-OR22 Bridge Vertical Clearance Projects section of the North Santiam Highway near the City of Salem in Marion County consists of: raising the 72nd Ave O’ Xing, raising the Albus Road O’ Xing, lowering under Lancaster Drive O’ Xing, lowering under Cordon O’ Xing, installation of a new ATR at Cordon Road, construction of storm water facilities, construction of water quality facilities, earthwork, drainage,  HMAC paving, installation of roadside seeding, installation of guardrails and end treatments, installation of striping and legends, permanent signing, installation of an illumination system, along with preforming additional and incidental work required by the plans and specifications.

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"K&E’s  product was installed exactly to the plans and specifications and their flexibility in executing the overall project schedule was outstanding. This project required significant coordination with the electrical and H-pile installation contractors, K&E’s support in this area  contributed heavily to the success of the project."

- James W. Stone
Stantec Consulting Services
Scarborough, ME

(Project refers to two solar powered generation facilities in Amity, Oregon.)