Waste Water Treatment

Philomath, Oregon

Project included the construction of two new 15.5 acre facultative lagoons or stabilization ponds for waste water treatment and the rehabilitation of two existing facultative waste water treatment lagoons. More specifically, the waste water treatment project included a new headworks structure for efficient screening, lagoon transfer piping, facility piping (approximately 4,900 feet in length), cast-in-place concrete water level control structures, and modifications to the existing chlorine contact chamber. A new irrigation pump station, new underground irrigation distribution piping (approximately 4,700 feet in length) and irrigation equipment was also included.


With the delay in permit acquisition by two months, K&E had to put in place fast track scheduling to accomplish work in acceptable “dry weather” conditions. Otherwise, the work would have interrupted existing facility operations. The other challenge was working with existing soils to create impermeable dikes for holding City wastewater.

K&E worked closely with City personnel and project engineer to phase work, so that influent flows could be switched between new facilities and existing facilities and facultative lagoon water levels could be raised and lowered to accommodate work. Having the proper equipment and scheduling over-time by the staff allowed us to complete work within “dry weather” window.

K&E also closely monitored soil types and conditions throughout all aspects of earthmoving operations for proper separation of materials for dike construction. Moisture conditioning was utilized to ensure all materials were placed to adequate densities and with required impermeable characteristics.


Thanks to our fast-track scheduling and knowledge, the waste water treatment project was completed within a short time-frame and any interruption to existing facilities was minimized.

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"K&E’s  product was installed exactly to the plans and specifications and their flexibility in executing the overall project schedule was outstanding. This project required significant coordination with the electrical and H-pile installation contractors, K&E’s support in this area  contributed heavily to the success of the project."

- James W. Stone
Stantec Consulting Services
Scarborough, ME

(Project refers to two solar powered generation facilities in Amity, Oregon.)